You’re one class away from
experiencing a stronger, happier you.

Unlike traditional ‘hot yoga’, infrared heat gently warms the body, penetrating deep into your cells causing the release of stored toxins while increasing circulation, fat burning and immunity. Read more

“Yoga is the secret to life,” says SOL founder Cathy DeFrancesco. “I wanted to create an accessible space for others to experience this feeling on and off the mat. Everyone should feel this good always!” Read more
feel good here
This is SOL YOGA. A modern take on the traditional.
A place to practice, connect, recharge and feel amazing. One step inside, and you’ll see what we mean.
You’re one class away from experiencing
a stronger, happier you.
This 60 minute class combines both a high intensity interval training workout with a powerful Vinyasa flow guiding you through a physical and mental workout created to inspire and empower both mind and body. Focus on getting your work in while you work out!
Vinyasa flow for all levels with minimal instruction. This class will leave you feeling stretched, strengthened, and connected.
A fusion of Yoga and pilates. These two modalities together give you the best of both worlds. Combining the flow of yoga with the core work of pilates, this class will have you feeling strong, long, and lean while connecting you to your body, mind, and spirit.
For those new to yoga or looking to decompress, this class focuses on slowing down and opening your body through passive stretching. Using props like blocks and straps, many of the postures are held almost effortlessly. With longer holds for every pose, the mind and body relax as tension is released. While this is a heated class, the room temperature is set to be ‘warm’, around 78-80 degrees.
A Vinyasa flow class incorporating the ‘yoga essentials’ such as standing postures, twists and inversions to open, release, strengthen and detoxify your body from the inside, out. Suitable for all levels.
A high intensity 45-minute full-body workout featuring light weights and bands, set to music that’ll have you jumping, lunging, lifting and more. On their own or complemented with yoga, our SCULPT classes are like nothing you’ve tried, give results you’ll swoon over – and open to all levels.
Power vinyasa offers dynamic movement for those who like to sweat, feel strong and shift excess energy. Suitable for all levels.
It’s pilates, only amplified with higher energy, music and sweat factor! Featuring traditional mat work with light weights, bands and rings combined with our infrared heat to boost your results even more. Think long and lean, strong and sleek. Your body will thank you!
Unwind, unplug, clean the slate, begin again. This yin/ restorative class incorporates blocks and straps with hands-on assistance to deepen your holds and breath work. Finished with peaceful mediation to melt your body and your mind.
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